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The Orthodox Church is not primarily an institution. Orthodox Christianity is not a series of rules to live by, nor is it a particular structure of church government. Orthodoxy is not a theological system, nor is its fullest expression limited to any particular period of history or cultural environment. Orthodoxy is nothing less than a relationship with God.
Saints and Patristic Church Fathers. General Studies of Church Fathers. Brass and Icon Wall Crosses. Fresh Water Pearl Prayer Ropes.
Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America. 2018 Great Lenten Clergy Retreat - photoreport. Michigan and Ohio Deaneries Gather for 2018 Great Lenten Retreat. Kursk-root Icon to Visit Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America. Feast at monastery temple at House Springs, MO. Patronal Feast Day in St Louis. Theophany at the Diocesan Cathedral.
Church of St John the Theologian on Lake Ochrid. The Explanation of the New Testament. How Should One Read Scripture? The Lives of the Saints. Cumulative Index to the Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints. By Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid and Bulgaria.
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The Russian Catacomb Church of the True Orthodox Christians. Издается по благословению Высокопреосвященнаго Димитрiя, архиепископа Чебоксарскаго и Сарматскаго Русской Катакомбной Церкви Истинных Православных Христиан. Всероссийский Вестник Русское Православие основан в 1996 году как независимый печатный орган Истинно-Православных Христиан. С марта 1997 года Вестник Русское Православие издается по благословению Архиепископа Амвросия Готфского ИПХ. В Вестнике Русское Православие публикуются материалы по ис.
Официальная страница Архиерейского Синода РПЦЗ. Вас, Святыя мученицы, Веро, Надежда и Любы, славим, величаем и ублажаем купно с мудрою матерью Софиею. Помогите убо в бедах наших, Святые мученицы, молите Господа, да сохранит под покровом Своим Церковь Свою Святую. РАСПИСАНИЕ БОГОСЛУЖЕНИЙ АПРЕЛЬ 2015 года. РАСПИСАНИЕ БОГОСЛУЖЕНИЙ АПРЕЛЬ 2015 года. Воспоминание Святых спасительных страстей Господа нашего Иисуса Христа.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Tuesday February 24th, 2015. Lent and Fasting in Parish practice. Wednesday February 11th, 2015. Comments Off on Lent and Fasting in Parish practice. Why should we attend church every Sunday? Orthodox Faith and Life.
Госфорда торжественно отметили память своего небесного покровителя.
11 North Mojave Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. Russian Orthodox Church Las Vegas. 11 North Mojave Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. The Latest News From Our Parish. Major Feast Days throughout the year. Donate for items needed in the Chapel. Panel and Icon of MOTHER OF GOD. Panel and Icon of JESUS CHRIST. Panel and Icon of St. Panel and Icon of ALL SAINTS.